‘SOP on Patients Consent’ is a comprehensive and legally compliant document on patients consent in India. It is the outcome of a unique collaborative deliberation done every year by a large number of doctors, hospitals, and medical societies. This SOP is annually reviewed and updated as both law and medicine are dynamic and keep on changing.

A first of its kind in the world, it is initiated and facilitated by the Institute of Medicine & Law (IML).


The purpose of this SOP is to clear doubts and uncertainties on the various legal aspects of patients consent. This obviously helps in reducing medical errors and the legal issues arising out of improper consent.

Ownership / IPR / Copyright

No person and / or organization, including IML has or shall ever claim any IPR or copyright in the ‘SOP on Patients Consent’. It truly belongs to all those doctors and medical societies who have contributed by putting their invaluable efforts, time, and energy in this exercise over the past many years. This SOP and the consent forms can be viewed, downloaded, printed, published, reproduced, or used in any form without any permission by any person or organization.


Every edition of SOP is and will be freely available on the website ‘patientsconsent.com’ for all times to come. It can be referred to in case of doubts, and if required, produced in courts also.

Conflict of Interest

This initiative is in no way influenced, sponsored, or financed, directly or indirectly, by any person, association, commercial organization, pharmaceutical company, or medical device manufacturer. All the expenses are borne by IML for the cause.

Our Associates

All India Ophthalmological Society
Association of Physicians of India
Association of Plastic Surgeons of India
Association of Surgeons of India
Cardiological Society of India
The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India
Indian Academy of Paediatricians
Indian Medical Association
Indian Orthopaedic Association
Indian Radiology and Imaging Association
Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists
Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction
Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine
Indian Society of Nephrology
Urological Society of India
Indian Sepsis Forum